Samsung Solve for Tomorrow Project Plan Submission

Enter your Solve for Tomorrow project plan now!

Complete and submit your project plan by the deadline and receive feedback from our panel of expert judges to make your final entries even better. This step is optional, but taking the opportunity to receive and implement feedback will strengthen your entry and improve your chance of winning. We highly recommend this step!

Simply send us your project plan by 24 June 2024. Feedback will be provided by 15 July 2024 and you’ll then have until 2 September 2024 to submit your final entry.

Please provide thorough and accurate answers before submitting your project plan.

* - Required field

Team Member Details

Please enter details for all team members below, including the applicant's details above if they're part of the team. If you have more than one member on your team, simply click the "Add another team member" button to add more members as needed.


A minimum of 1 team member is required.

Maximum file size is 30MB.